The hot summer days to the colorful fruit of the Palazzo Previtera estates.
With the arrival of the heat our country gardens by the sea offer an abundance of peaches, apricots, figs, avocados and our Etna cherries are certainly a rarity. Our kitchen has prepared cherry jam, some ricotta and apricot tarts and lots of jam to satisfy all the needs of the Previteras and their welcome guests at the Palazzo. Sicilian jams and tarts directly from family recipe books, an ancient tradition that has been handed down for generations.

Apricot and ricotta tart. Simple and quick for summer breakfasts or lunches.
450 g of flour
4 yolks
180 g of sugar
200 g of butter
To fill the tart
250 g of goat ricotta
Pistachio grain
1 egg
100 g of icing sugar.
20 minutes of preparation and 40 minutes in the oven at 180°

Jam of apricots, peaches and cherries
500 g of fruit
500 g of sugar
and liqueur to garnish the jars
Prep time 2 hours, cook until mixture is reduced.

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